An italian great artist : Bartolomeo Formentelli 

San Domenico Project Started !!! See italian site


Dom-Bedos Roubo
 Monumental Organ Project in Rieti


A Dream Day... Visiting Formentelli's Organ Factory 


Formentelli Masterpieces and Biography




This first page is dedicated to Italian Organ Builder  Bartolomeo Formentelli.  He doesn't accept any compromise on organ project & design, to obtain a perfect '700 instrument reply, using self-assembled & tuned pipes (ancient tech are used, as hand-hammer stain treatment and so on...) and entire mechanincal traction (Stops & Keyboards). Pedal board are absolutely straight, keyboards have historical measurements; pipe tuning is harmonic rich and warm. This extreme building philosophy created  many problems to our artist to working in Italy, during last years. Organists and musicologist doesnt' accept easily to play in old style (very difficult, without electrical stops handling and so on..) and to hear strong reeds and robust plenums. .  So, Formentelli's new organs was accepted easily abroad.

During last period, the excellent Formentelli sounds and wonderful stops quality  (Strong and Powerful french Reeds, soft and rich founds)  and temperaments (Mean Tone is usual) caused Formentelli success in Italy. I have played many Formentelli's instruments: the problem is one: when you play another organ builted or restored recently, it sounds like "electronic organ" , after you hear wonderful Formentelli stops effects. 

 Now  a great mechanical organ in S.Maria Degli Angeli , Rome is ready. He created thisgreat  instrument in pure French '700 Century style. To put it in a historical church , he designed and built a monumental case in french style. Measurement is 12 meter Height x 11.50 meter Width. The first Concert is fixed for Easter 2000. I have visited it (now only 12 stops play) and the view is really a "shock".. you see a today-builded object,. but it seems absolutely a '700 century organ..  please, see organ console to understand what I want say:

Formentelli Great Organ (S.M. Degli Angeli, Rome)

Stops List (Preliminary)

I Keyboard
(Italian Positivo)
II Keyboard
(Great Organ)
III  Keyboard
IV Keyboard

Principale 8'
Ottava 4'
Ripieno Gr. 3 F.
Ripieno Ac. 2  F.

Voce Umana 8'
Bordone Legno 8'
Flauto in VIII
Flauto in XII
Flauto in XV
Flauto in XVII
Flauto XIX
Cornetto Soprani 5F

Tromba 8'
Clarone 4'
Cromorno 8'


Montre 16
Montre 8'
Gr. Quinte 5' 1/3
 Prestant 4'
Gr. Tierce 3' 1/4
Nazard  2' 2/3
Doublette 2'
Tierce 1' 1/3
Ripieno Gr. 6 F.
Ripieno Ac. 5 F.

Bordone 16'
Flauto a Fuso 8'

Flauto Conico 4'
Cymbale Tierce 2 F.
Cornetto Soprani 5F 

Bombarda 16'
Trompete a Bataille 8' (En Chamade)
Trompete 8'
Clairon 4'

Principale 4'
Ripieno 5F

Corno Camoscio 8'
Bordone 8'
Flauto Aperto 8'
Flauto 4'
Flauto 2'
Flagioletto 1'
Sesquialtera 2F.
Cornetto 3F

Regale 16' 
Oboe 8'
Clairon 4'  Bassi
Trompette 8' Sopr.
Vox Humaine 8'



Bordone 8'
Prestante 4'
Nazardo 2' 2/3
Doublette 2'
Tierce 1' 1/3
Cornetto Sopr. 3F
Ripieno 3F

Tromboncini 8'








Montre 16 '
Octave 8'
Gran Nazard 5' 1/3
Decimaquinta 4'
Ripieno 5F

Soubasse 16'
Flute 8'
Flute 4'
Cornetto  3F
Ripieno 5F

ContreBombarde 32'
Bombarde 16'
Prima Tromba 8'
Seconda Tromba 8'
Clairon 4'
Cornett 2'


I-II  , III-II,  IV-III, II-Ped, I-Ped.

6 Mechanical Combinations

III-Keyboard (Recit) Expression (Open/Closing Front Panels)

Next months I will go to Rome to follow stops tuning and organ building. All interesting new and best photo will be reported on Scpop site. I hope for next visit to enter rear the instrument, and to hear more stops! We are waiting to hear 20 ranks of reeds power. See Trompete en chamade on  photo above.

Bartolomeo Formentelli - S.M. degli Angeli (Rome) 4 Keyboard full-mechanical traction organ


page by Tigli Filippo