San Domenico Committee (Onlus)


Flavio Vespasiano Foundation

From 16 to April 20 th 2010  the 1° Festival Dom Bedos Roubo was held in San Domenico Church; 

The festival on the first edition is theinstrumental inauguration of the great organ Dom Bedos-Roubo Benedict XVI, too.

  • The Festival start on the beatiful Villa Potenziani on  Friday' 16 April: the conference "Sacred Music and Art Organaria Classica" ; in the evening the first concert   in the Basilica of St. Domenico. Due to eruption of the Icelandic volcano,  some changes to the program "in progress of work" was needed; this for the impossibility of some musicians as Jean Paul Lecot and David Titterington to reach Rieti.  The effect eruption has prevented then to some musicians (Hadrien Jourdan and François Menissier) to leave Rieti, too; so, the concert program was unchanged the level of the full original program.  All the concerts was perfomed.
    Great was the appreciation expressed by the numerous organ music enthusiasts, also comes from France from Belgium and even front the Japan. Unfortunately the situation of the aerial flights has hindered some people. All the musicians have expressed appreciations for this particular organ, allowing the listening of a heterogeneous and interesting repertoire, as the Bach sonatas played on the organ and violin (Jourdan-Khazachova). 
    So, having the capabiliy to listen contemporarily many interpretations and different ways of conceive the music was really attractive and it was notable experience. The most greater satisfaction for the organizers, and for the committee everything, is from the appreciations that the concertistis have expressed for the organ: it can be  concretized as: INIMITABLE!

  • The Friday conference has seen the opening of Mons. Stephen Sanchirico (liturgical office of the celebrations vaticane), Federico del Sordo (Pontifical Istitute of Sacred Music, Rome) and Giancarlo Parodi (President of Italian Organist Association and Organ Professor) ; also the choice to insert interludes of Violin and Harpsichord was been extremely pleasant to the audiences. In the afternoon, excursus on the art French classical organ builder art,  with photographic review of the great French organs from 1600 to 1800, following  the evolution of the architectures and chronologically inserting  the Rieti Dom Bedos at the end of this great artistic walk (1765). The audiences have been able to compare the stop disposition  of Rieti with many historical french organs;  thanks to the interventions of Barthelemy Formentelli aided from F.S. Colamarino, and of the experts of the DRAC France J.P. Decavele, D. Chailley and  L. Berranger. A original books exhibition was held in the conference and in the church, too.

  • Friday 16, open the festival the concert of F. Menissier, with an excursus from the authors classical French and Germans up to Boely; Menissier uses a great effects, allowing the people to hear the stops colors to taste  the harmonies of the French classical organ; the passages have been performed with the original french pedalboard.

  • Saturday 17, with  the presence of Italian Governement authority On. Gianni Letta and of the prefect of Rieti Dott. Chiara Merolla, besides representatives of the weapon of the Policemen and the Army, we have been able to taste of the atmosphere and of the suggestion of the  G. Nivers mass I, with Gregorian choir in alternatim:  organ Federico Del Sord, choral Urbi Romans Cantores directed by Don Alberto Turco; after a break the second concert: the importance of the European schools to comparison Francesco Saverio Colamarino, supervisor organist of the Dom Bedos Great organ in Rieti

  • Domenica 18 a great program: at 17:00 a various program thanks to F.S. Colamarino with masterpieces of J.S: Bach : then,  H. Jourdan and D. Kazachova, with the listening of the able Bulgarian violinist, especially in the passage for alone violin, the Passacaglia of Biber, that has touched the people, and the Bach sonatas ported on  organ and violin in couple with Hadrien Jourdan; at  18.30, the majesty of the solemn Mass with organ and choir officiated by S.E. the Bishop of Rieti Delio Lucarelli:  organ: Hadrien Jourdan, choral Aurora Salutis of Rieti directed by Alessandroi Nisio. at 21:00 the interesting cool playng manner of  Hadrien Jourdan, that performs with naked foot over the  French pedalboard; finally the ability of F. Menissier, that give us a  concert  in substitution of Titterington without practically making tests.

  • Monday' 19 have been able to listen to the method and the executive rigor of Matteo Messori with the research of Germanic sonority in the meander of the stops of a French classical organ. To make up for to the lack of music due English to the absence of D.Titterington, Matteo has modified the program inserting in the first part a homage to the English Music, among which Jhon Bull. Matteo Messori prepared with extreme accuracy  the event, studying at night up to the 4.30 to the organ (!).

  • Tuesday 20 finally the closing, with the poetry expressed by Luca Scandali, that culminates ago with the end of the imagination with beatiful Mozart great organ fantasy,  binding also for the complex change of the stops "in run" required by this music, cleverly perfomed by Francesca Boccasanta.

  • All the organists, to exception of Matteo Messori, helped by his students, have been assisted for the stops change from our liturgical organist Francesca Boccasanta.

  • The  St. Domenico Committee   expresses his own thanks to all those people who are cooperated for the result of the festival,a  real musical marathon and we hope soon to be able to listen  so beatiful music  another.

  • Rightful quotation finally for the  St. Domenico Committee and to his honorary president S.Em. Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone and an applause to the beloved  Formentelli the organ builder  of the Pontifical Organ Dom Bedos-Roubo Benedict XVI, the "apotheosis of the French classical organ". 


Fliippo Tigli - Festival Dom Bedos-Roubo  Director
 Conservatore Pontificio Organ Dom Bedos-Roubo Benedict XVI

Video available to the section filmed - Events - "backstage" - Review Press



Video : go to movie section of the site    -  Events -  "backstage" - Press releases

A colloquio con l'on. Letta: Mons. Luigi Bardotti, il sindaco Giuseppe Emili

arrivo dell'On Letta al concerto del sabato

Slauto dell'ass. cultura reg. Lazio Cicchetti all'On. Letta

Il sovrintendente Fondazione Flavio Vespasiano Carlo Latini

Il prefetto S.E. Chiara Marolla a colloquio con l'On. Letta

S.e. Prefetto Chiara Marolla e l'On. Letta

Schola Urbi Romani Cantores, direttore A.Turco

Schola Urbi Romani Cantores, direttore A.Turco

Federico del Sordo (Pontificio Istituto Musica Sacra)

La Schola Urbi Romani schierata

L'on. Letta e il Prefetto di Rieti posano di fronte al Dom Bedos

L'aiutante ai registri "ufficiale" del Festival Francesca Boccasanta

Concerto Sabato 17- Francesco S.Colamarino

F.S. Colamarino intepreta Clerambault

Ringraziamento a Dom Bedos de Celles nell'edizione Formentelli 2009

Messa solenne della Domenica 18 - S.E. il Vescovo di Rieti D.Lucarelli

Corale Aurora Salutis di Rieti, diretta da A.Nisio

Pubblico-fedeli alla Messa Solenne, dopo il concerto delle 17 (Domenica)

Concerto del 17 - Hadrien Jourdan

Concerto del 17 - Hadrien Jourdan - ai registri F.Boccasanta

Hadrien Jourdan (CH)

Francois Menissier (concerto d'apertura)

Francois Menissier (concerto d'apertura)

Matteo Messori (concerto del 19)

M. Messori (ai registri : allievi di Messori)

Comandanti Carabinieri e Caserma Verdirosi di Rieti

Luca Scandali (concerto di Chiusura)

Luca Scandali - aiuto ai registri F.Boccasanta


Video : go to movie section of the site



Jourdan e Kazachova : momenti musicali al convegno

Menissier al cembalo di "riscaldamento" in san domenico

Matteo Messori alle prove

Jourdan riceve la medaglia di San Domenico

Jourdan esprime personale apprezzamento per l'opera di Barthelemy Formentelli all'organaro stesso

La chiesa di san domenico

Alcuni turisti hanno pernottato dinanzi alla chiesa con il camper..

Menissier soddisfatto

Hadrien Jourdan alle prove


Kazachova e Jourdan al convegno

Convegno del 16 Aprile

Interludio musicale al convegno

Jourdan ispirato

Cembalo francese offerto per il convegno da B.Formentelli

Dominique Chailley e Formentelli durante la relazione

Scarpe di Jourdan (suona a piedi nudi..) durante le prove..

Luca Scandali e l'aiuto registri Francesca Boccasanta

Formentelli esprime il suo appetito dopo aver compiuto l'opera presso la Taverna dei Fabri antistante la chiesa di San Domenico



il tempo rieti 13 aprile 2010

Il Messaggero rieti  20 aprile 2010

Format rieti aprile 2010

nuova roma oggi 13 04 2010

nuova roma oggi 20 04 2010

il messaggero rieti 19 aprile 2010

il tempo lazio nord 20 aprile 2010

FRIDAY'  16 APRIL  9:00 - 18.00 


Park Hotel Villa Potenziani, Rieti
(how to go here?)



  • 9.00-9.30     Event opening: Mons. Stefano San Chirico (Vatican liturgical celebration office)

  • 9.30-10.30   Federico del Sordo (Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra, Roma)
    L'alternatim as liturgic praxis in Italy and France. Origins and styles.  

  • 10.30-11.00 Musical Interludium; Harpsichord – Hadrien Jourdan

  • 11:00-11:30 Break

  • 11.30-12.30 Giancarlo Parodi (Associaz.Italiana Organisti di Chiesa) “Artistic and professional personality of the organist, to serve the sacred cult


    14.00-14.45 Barthelemy Formentelli, Francesco Colamarino; The Rieti Dom Bedos-Roubo Organ: the builiding History, with classical books references.

  • 14.45-15.30 Loic Berranger (Organ Expert)

    1) Grands 16' à 4 ou 5 claviers
    2) Documents sur les 32' disparus
    3) Les grands buffets (photographies)
    4) Le clavier d'Echo
    5) Le clavier de Bombarde
    6) L'étendue des claviers et du pédalier
    7) Les principaux facteurs du Sud Ouest

  • 15:30-15.45 Musical Interludium; Harpsichord – Hadrien Jourdan

  • 15:45-16.30 Dominique Chailley:
    “Dom Bedos et Roubo au Siècle des Lumières à travers leurs traités respectifs sur l'orgue et la menuiserie” : esposizione dei Trattati in Originale

  • 16:30-16.45 Break

  • 16.45-17.00 1Musical Interludium; Harpsichord – Hadrien Jourdan

  • 17.00-17.45 J.P. Decavele: The historical Dom Bedos Organ in Saint Croix, Bordeaux; The monumental and ordinary organs building: problems and trends.

  • 17.45-18.30 Dibattito


FRIDAY,  16 APRIL - 21:00 

Festival Opening Concert -  Pontifical Organ Dom Bedos-Roubo Benedetto XVI - Inauguration
François Mènissier

"from Titelouze to Boëly"

Jehan TITELOUZE (1563-1633)
Hymne Veni Creator (4 versets)

 Abraham van den KERCKHOVEN (1618-1701)
Fantasia primi toni

                Jean-Adam GUILAIN (16..-17..)
Suite du 3e ton (1705) :
Plein jeu – Quatuor – Dialogue de Voix humaine – Basse de Trompette – Duo – Grand jeu – Petit plein jeu

 Georg BOEHM (1661-1733)
Choral Vater unser im Himmelreich

 Jean-François DANDRIEU (1682-1738)

            Offertoire en ré mineur

 E N T R A C T E

Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750)

       Praeludium  pro Organo pleno   BWV 552/1
horal  « Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme »   BWV 645
Fuga  à 5 con Pedale pro Organo pleno  BWV 552/2

François COUPERIN (1668-1733)

  Chromhorne en taille (« Messe des Paroisses »)

 Alexandre BOËLY (1785-1858)

de la « Messe solemnelle pour l’orgue extraite de plusieurs auteurs anciens » :

       1. Et in terra pax : Grand chœur (Boëly)

              2. Benedicimus te : Plein jeu (Boëly)

          3. Glorificamus te : Jeux de fonds (Haendel)

          4. Domine Deus rex coelestis : Cromorne avec les fonds (Haendel)

        5. Domine Deux Agnus Dei : Récit de hautbois (François Couperin)

   6. Qui tollis, Plein jeu (Boëly)

  7. Quoniam tu solus, sur la Voix humaine (Louis Couperin)

 8. Tu solus altissimus, Grand chœur (Bach)

    9. Amen, Plein jeu (Boëly)


SATURDAY  17 APRIL  - 21:00 


Guillame-Gabriel Nivers (1632-1714)

from the   2. Livre d’Orgue Contenant la Messe et les Hymnes de l’Eglise.

 Integral perfomance:

Messe i.

Paris 1667, original titles  

Antiphona ad Introitum,
Mihi autem nimis, Schola


[Plain-chant], organo
Kyrie, Schola

Fugue, organo

Christe, Schola

Recit de Cromhorne, organo

Christe, Schola

Duo (legerement), organo

Kyrie, Schola

 A 2 Cœurs, organo


Gloria, Schola
[Plain-chant, Et in terra pax], organo

Laudamus te, Schola

Jeu doux, organo
[Benedicimus te]

Adoramus te, Schola
Fugue, organo
[Glorificamus te]

Gratias agimus tibi, Schola
Recit de Voix humaine, organo
[Domine Deus, Rex caelestis]

Domine, Fili unigenite, Schola
Duo, organo
[Domine Deus, Agnus Dei]

Qui tollis peccata mundi miserere nobis, Schola
Fugue grave, organo
[Qui tollis peccata mundi, suscipe]

Qui sedes, Schola
Echo, organo
[Quoniam tu solus Sanctus]

Tu solu Dominus, Schola
Diminution de la Basse, organo
[Tu solus Altissimus]

Cum Sancto Spiritu, Schola
Plein Jeu

 Psalmum gradualis
In omnem terram, Schol

Nimis honorati sunt, Schola

Offerte en fugue et Dialogue

[Plain-chant, Première Sanctus], organo
Sanctus, Schola

fugue, organo [Pleni sunt]
Hosanna in excelsis, Schola

Benedictus, Recit de Cromhorne, organo

Hosanna in excelsis, Schola


[Agnus Dei]

Le plain chant en taille, organo [Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis]
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis, Schola

A 2 Cœurs, organo
[Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem].


Vos qui secuti estis me, Schola


Ite, Missa est, Schola
Deo Gratias], orga


SATURDAY  17 APRIL  - 22:15 

 Dom Bedos-Roubo Supervisor Organist


érambault, Vivaldi, Bach

 Louis Nicholas Clérambault  (1676 - 1749)

Suite de deuxieme Ton
 Plein Jeux – Duo – Trio - Basse de Cromorne –  
Recit de Nazard – Caprice sur le Grand Jeux

Antonio Vivaldi

Concerto in La Minore Op.3 n.8 (Estro Armonico) trascritto per organo da J.S.Bach - Bwv 593
Larghetto e spiritoso

 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

Preludio al Corale “Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier” BWV 741

Preludio e fuga in Mi minore BWV 548


SUNDAY 18 APRIL 2010  - 17:00
(Free entrance event)

(in substition of J.P. lecot, stopped from the iceland voulcan)


Preludio in Minore Bwv 548
Preludi ai Corali:
"O Mensch, bewein dein Sunde gross" Bwv 622
"Kyrie Gott Heiliger Geist" Bwv 671
"Von Gott will ich nicht lassen" Bwv 658
""Wir glauben all' an einen Gott" (Credo)  Bwv680
"Schmucke dich, o liebe Seele" Bwv 654
Fuga su Magnificat Bwv 733


J.S. Bach - Sonata in Sol Magg. BWV1021 per violino e continuo
Biber - Passacaglia per Violino Solo (il brano eseguito da Denitsa Kazachova ha suscitato momenti di commozione tra il pubblico, nota del webmaster)
J.S. Bach - andante sonata in re minore
J.S.Bach - 1° tempo sonata IV per violino e organo obbligato
J.S. Bach - 1° tempo sonata VI in sol magg. per violino e organo obbligato


SUNDAY 18 APRILE 2010  - 18:30


Organ : Hadrien Jourdan





SUNDAY 18 APRIL 2010  - 21:00

Hadrien Jourdan  

“The XVIII century between Francia e Germania”

Nicolas de Grigny (1672-1709)

Premier Kyrie en taille, à 5 
Fugue à 5, qui renferme le chant du Kyrie
 Récit de tierce en taille
Dialogue sur les Grands Jeux

 J.S. Bach (1685-1750)

Sonate en trio en sol majeur BWV 530 : Vivace - Lente – Allegro

 François Couperin (1668-1733)

[Messe à l’usage des Paroisses] - Offertoire sur les Grands Jeux

 J.S. Bach (1685-1750)

Trio en ré mineur BWV 583
Pièce d’Orgue BWV 572 Très vitement - Gravement - Lentement
 Choral orné «Nun komm der Heiden Heiland» [Leipzig] 
Toccata, Adagio e Fuga BWV 564

Stops assistent  : Francesca Boccasanta


SUNDAY 18 APRIL 2010  - 22:15


François Mènissier
 ( i
n substition of David Titterington stopped by the iceland voulcan)

Anonymus (Paris , 170..) 
Hyms "Ave Maris Stella)  5 versi

Gerlindus Scronx (? - 1600)

François Dagincour
Suite du 6° Ton : Plein Jeu - duo - Recit de Nazard -
 Basse de Cromorne  - Trio - Dialogue

Louis Claude d'Aquin - Noel en Sol Majeur

Alexandre Boely (1785 - 1858)  - 4 pieces : choral - fughetta - choral - fuga

Stops assistent  : Francesca Boccasanta


MONDAY 19 APRIL 2010 - 21:00 

Matteo Messori

“Veneto Effects on the Central Germany Keyboard Art”

Hans Leo Hassler (1565-1612)


Giovanni Gabrieli (1554/57-1612)


Ercole Pasquini (c. 1560-1608/19)


Antonio Scandello (1517-1580)

Due Lieder sacri (intavolati da Elias Nikolaus Ammerbach, 1571)

Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643)

 Kyrie - Christe - Kyrie
Toccata avanti il Ricercare
 Ricercare con l’obligo di cantar la Quinta Parte senza tocarla

Johann Jacob Froberger (1616-1667)

Capriccio sopra Ut Re Mi Fa Sol La

 Matthias Weckmann (1616c.-1674)

Lux beata trinitas

 Johann Caspar Kerll (1627-1693)

 Capriccio sopra il Cucu

Ricercata in cylindrum phonotacticum transferenda

Franz Tunder (1614-1667)

Herr Gott, dich loben wir auf 2 Claviere und Pedal

 Diderik Buxtehude (1637-1707)

Fried- und freudenreiche Hinfahrt BuxWV 76 (1674)
Contrapunctus 1 super Mit Fried und Freud - Evolutio / Contrapunctus 2 – Evolutio

Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern
BuxWV 223

 Johann Gottfried Walther (1684-1748)

"Concerto del signor Torelli appropriato all’Organo"

 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

Some variation on Christmas song Vom Himmel hoch da komm’ich her for 2-keyboards Organ and Pedalborad BWV 769



THURSDAY 20 APRILE 2010  ORE 21:00

Festival Final Concert

Luca Scandali

“The European Organ between Baroque and Classicism”

            Georg Muffat (1653-1704)

 Toccata Septima da “Apparatus musico-organisticus” (1690)

 Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713) 

 Concerto Grosso op. VI n. 7 in Re Magg (adattato all’organo da Thomas Billington, op.IX, 1790 ca.) 
Vivace, Allegro, Adagio – Allegro – Largo – Allegro – Vivace

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

 Fuga in si min. BWV 579 su un tema di Corelli
 Sonata IV in mi min. BWV 528 - Adagio, Vivace – Andante – Un poco Allegro 
Toccata in mi min. BWV 914

 Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788)

Sonata in Re Magg. Wq 70,5, H 86
Allegro di molto – Adagio e mesto – Allegro

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

Adagio für Glasharmonika KV 356 (617a) in Do Magg.
Ein Orgelstück für eine Uhr in fa min. KV 608

Stops assistent  : Francesca Boccasanta




  • Pontifical Organ Dom Bedos-Roubo Benedetto XVI

  • benedicted from S.E. Cardinale Tarcisio Bertone, 8 Decemer 2008

  • Organ built from: Barthelemy Formentelli (2004 to 2009) following the l'Art du Facteur d'Orgue and l'Art du Menuissier-Carrossier principles

  • San Domenico Church : restored and given back to the Sacred offices
     from Comitato San Domenico (Onlus) , president Mons. Luigi Bardotti

  • Art Director : Filippo Tigli, Conservateur of the Pontifical Organo Dom Bedos-Roubo Benedetto XVI

  • Financial, Organization Media Communications and Logistic support: Fondazione Flavio Vespasiano , Ceo : Carlo Latini